
Triple-A Sports

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2023 Winter Sports Program

Triple-A offers it all no matter it is basketball, volleyball, badminton or tennis, to kids at all levels from ground zero. Our dedicated professional team will teach it all hand in hand. I. Saturday Programs 1. Dates (15 days) Jan02023 14th, 28th Off Jan 21st Feb-2023 4th, 11th, 18th End of winter term Mar-2023 4th, […]

2022-2023 Girls’ Basketball

Girls are disadvantaged when practice basketball with boys. Triple-A acknowledges such situation and this year, will dedicate the basketball program to girls. Girls will learn the sport they love at their own pace, focus primarily on techniques and mastering the ball, the basket and the game, before diving into the fierce confrontation unique to basketball. […]

2022-2023 Badminton

2022 fall badminton starts Sep 17th. Course time, fee and all information is as below: * Beginner: 15h00 – 16h30 | 498$ * Intermediate: 16h30 – 18h00 | 498$ * Dates: Sep 17th, 24th Program starts Sep 17th Oct 1st, 15th, 22nd, 29th Oct 8 off for Thanksgiving Nov 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th   Dec […]

2022-2023 Volleyball

Triple-A Volleyball scrutinizes on the basic techniques. Coaches will go into details to disect each move and motion based on bio-machanical theories. Solid basic techniques guarantee an entry ticket to the school team. Read what parents said on the program: “Very helpful… My daughter entered CEGEP school team right away. The focus on techniques definitely […]

2022-2023 Competitive Tennis

Players participating in 2022-2023 competitive tennis will be required to perform the following: Guarantee the attendance twice a week as scheduled; Sign up for a match event every month as recommended; Take private session with a coach as necessary (as required) Improve physical fitness is key to players at competive level. As the class time […]

2022-2023 Beginner Tennis

2022-2023 beginner tennis includes two terms: fall 2022 and winter 2023. Players can choose from Saturday and Sunday courses, 90 minutes per session. A typical session will look like the following: 15H00-15H10: warm up 15H10-16H10: tennis techniques 16H10-16H20: tennis specific fitness 16H20-1:6H30: summary and stretch Triple-A Tennis focuses primarily on technical aspect of the sport, […]

Summer Tennis in the Heat

Twenty-three men and women tennis fanatics from the Chinese and Korean community braved the heat and played friendly matches in the second Sino-Korean team tennis competition.  The event took place in Ville St Lauren last Saturday 23 July amid 31C weather and relentless sun.   Cohosted by Abigail Liu, Director of Triple-A Sports, and Jin Bae, […]


撰稿人:敏智 7月23日星期六,由三佳体育刘召远校长和韩裔教练裴祥晋(Jin Bae)组织的第二届中韩网球友谊赛在St Laurent区Marcel Laurin体育中心火热登场。中韩友谊赛于2021年8月疫情中成功举办第一届比赛,今年中方球员更加积极参与,组成中国一队和中国二队两个队,每队由七名球员组成(各含两名女生),韩国队则由八名球员(含一名女生)。所有参赛队员均是铁杆网球爱好者,包括了中韩社区大部分网球高手,其中不少人多次参加三佳杯网球赛。 比赛当天天气晴好,万里无云,气温31度,体感接近40 度,是蒙城入夏以来最热的一天。比酷暑更热烈的是球员积极参赛的热情。比赛于十点钟准时开始,按照事先精心排好的对阵表,有条不紊地在各场地拉开。比赛分三轮,每位球员每一轮都要上场。赛场上不仅是网球技术的较量,高温烈日等自然条件同样在考验球员的体力、耐力和意志力。 经过三轮激烈争夺,比赛于下午三点半结束全部27场比赛。中国二队共赢得11分,以1分微弱优势领先中国一队;韩国队领队和顶尖选手Jin因伤只能打双打,实力受到影响,获得6分。 赛场内外,中韩球员以球会友,相互切磋,共享网球乐趣,结下了深厚的友情,充分体现了友谊赛的真谛。 比赛的组织、执行全部由球员和家属义工承担,是他们的辛勤付出使中韩友谊赛成为网球爱好者的节日盛会,炎炎夏日里的美好回忆! 致谢:发起/主办:刘召远(中)裴祥晋 (韩) 赛程协理:敏智 陆巍 裁判/计分:楚坚 财务:刘煜 后勤/餐饮:颜峰 媒体宣传:敏智